Tuesday 16 February 2016

Cutting Hughes Some Slack

Jesse Hughes of Eagles Of Death Metal has been getting it in the neck for his views that there should be universal access to guns.
As everyone seems to be pointing out, he's in Europe and the NRA gun worshipping rhetoric won't work here but i do have some sympathy for him. 
He's lived through something absolutely horrendous and the emotions are obviously close to the surface and it must take something to go back and perform in the place of such horrors. 
No reasonably minded person thinks what he is saying is a good idea, it's a barnstormingly crazy idea but as it's coming from someone obviously still deeply traumatised, kinder to just let it go.


Falling on a bruise said...

You live in a gun society and you had a mass shooting every day last year so you may need to remind me how more guns in circulation is working for you. Keep that insanity over there.
You also missed out the 'Yippee Kiya' and 'Yeehaw' at the end.

Falling on a bruise said...

Our ideals and our lack of daily mass shootings?