Friday 5 February 2016

I Wanna Be Elected

The best thing about other countries elections are that they won't effect us so we can be as blasé as we like about them so it is fun watching the Americans tie themselves up in knots about who will take the keys to the White House front door.
Will it be the racist with the mad hair or the wife of the man who famously managed to soil the interns blue dress while not having sexual relations with that woman.
It could yet be the Socialist who wants to turn America into Europe or even the Canadian who end up with their feet under the Oval Room table.
One person who seems to be shamefully overlooked is the brother of the man who is widely regarded as the dumbest US President since that one who kept falling over steps and was described as being: 'so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time'.    
George W Bush's little brother, Jeb, has hardly registered on the radar and apparently so low key has been his campaign that he had to remind his supporters to clap after a particularly dull speech on National Security. 
We could yet see someone break out of the pack who isn't any of the above but it doesn't look as though the next Middle Eastern country to have American bombs dropped on it will have the pleasure of it being done by a Bush, that particular hat-trick seems very distant at this moment.


Falling on a bruise said...

The World must all be far left Wackos because everyone thinks he was a dumb as a bag of spanners. You didn't really believe that the lift went all the way to the top floor did you?

Falling on a bruise said...

Obviously you do if you have the connections he had.