Sunday 14 January 2018

UKIP Proving The Proverb Right Again

Not all right wingers are racist but all the racists are on the right wing and once again the proverb has been proven true by the lovable UKIP Party with their leader's girlfriend, Jo Marney, who sent a series of texts in which she said Meghan Markle marrying Prince Harry would mean: 'the Prince's black American fiancee will taint the Royal family with her seed' would 'pave the way for a black king', said that 'she had a tiny brain' and gave the opinion that 'black people were ugly' and she
did not 'want other races invading her culture'.
The newly elected UKIP leader, Henry Bolton, has come out to say that: 'UKIP does not, has not and never will condone racism' and his girlfriend Ms Marney has apologised and said her messages had been taken out of context.
Not sure what context it could possibly had been taken out of but Mr Bolton has a tough decision to make, either he kicks his horribly racist new girlfriend into touch and remains leader of the bunch of the nasty little Englander's he currently heads or he steps down and stands by the women he only recently left his wife for.
Should be a no brainer but as Ms Marney has proven, brains isn't the most abundant commodity on the right wing.     

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

I'm saying your colour doesn't define your ideology as i see blacks and whites at left wing and right wing events but if the blacks are more left wing then that's because the left is all about equality which is something that the blacks can aspire to and something they won't find on the agenda of the right.