Saturday 17 February 2018

The Nation Of Great Canalia

It's the halfway mark in the 2018 Winter Olympics and it is fair to say looking at the Medal Table, the nations with snow are doing better than the countries which don't see much of the white stuff and Great Britain is languishing in 21st place with just a brace of bronze medals to our name.
To make things worse Australia are above us in 17th place but as they are part of the Commonwealth, therefore one of our children, we can claim their medals as jointly ours.
Using the same logic Canada's 13 medals are shared with us also so technically we have 4 golds, 7 silvers and 7 bronze giving us a total of 18 medals so far and moves us into 3rd behind Germany and Norway.
That gives a whole new perspective to things and we can snub our noses at Alpine nations such as France, Switzerland and Austria who must be pig sick looking at how well we are doing.
Reprint those Olympic vests with the name Great Canalia, grab some bent sticks and way too revealing tight lycra outfits and let's show those German's and Norwegians that Britannia not only rules the waves but we got the slippery bits down the sides of mountains also!


Falling on a bruise said...

Canada finished above you, my Canadian buddy is very happy.

Falling on a bruise said...

We were just happy to finish above Australia so I guess the Canadians are just happy to finish above you. Is a question how Norway can top the league though.