Thursday 5 April 2018

Police Cuts And London Killings

Another young person killed in the escalating epidemic of knife violence and you don't need to be a brain surgeon to work out the cause.
Since the Conservatives came into power in 2010, their austerity drive has seen funding across the board slashed and this includes 27,000 less police officers and £700m cuts to the police service.
Also gone, in the name of austerity, are 1000 youth services, including successful programs to tackle gang violence. 
Police, with a reduced budget and thousands of fewer officers too, are under 'significant stress', the emergency services watchdog have said and need more than £400m extra a year to stem rising crime, and, if that isn't forthcoming, they could have to cut further officers and further ration services.
It isn't that hard to work out, if there are less of the people employed to stop crime, then crime will rise.
The Conservatives have been awful, the austerity cuts devastating the country so this is the direct result of Government policy and while the blame goes to the morons arming themselves with knives and sticking them in each other, the choices the Government have made has enabled the environment for it to happen in.


Falling on a bruise said...

the availability if [sic] knives,

Your understanding is sadly no match for your eagerness to have an opinion that somehow equates mass murders by legally owned guns in America with death by knives in the UK.

In all probability the knives being used are the banned types or are kitchen knives in which case they are being used outside of their purpose unlike guns which are designed to do one thing, kill.

So further ban knives which are already banned?

Falling on a bruise said...

See, that's what happens when you leave your screen unlocked and a child gets on the computer. If people now think that the childish ramblings of an immature mind are by you and you have the social and conversation skills of a particularly dense 5 year old then it's your own fault, I've told you before about it.

Falling on a bruise said...

The sort of knives used to kill here are banned so banning them is not the issue, if you got one you are already breaking the law.
Guns in the USA are legal, what i regularly mention is the lax gun laws and the easy access to guns.
If the knives here were legal, the knife ownership laws were lax and you could buy them anywhere then i would say you have a point but you don't as our knife laws are already much tighter than your gun laws.

Falling on a bruise said...

Didn't think you got it, obviously you still haven't.
You might want to look at the Data from the Gun Violence Archive which says a mass shootings happens there nine out of every 10 days on average so as you say mass shootings happen a couple of times a year, one of you is very wrong.

Falling on a bruise said...

Now, you really don't get it but the question is it it willingly or ignorantly.

Falling on a bruise said...

Because you never understood the post and went off on trying to make some bizarre link between legal American gun and banned British knives which wasn't there. So no, you didn't get it but i am unsure if you didn't get it on purpose so you could keep up the US guns v UK knives thing or you seriously just didn't get it. I think the latter because you sometimes read what you want to read and don't actually 'read' it, hence the lack of understanding which you sometimes display on subjects.