Wednesday 11 April 2018

What's On The Table For Syria

Not ones to learn from recent history, the same old faces are readying their arsenals for a bit more war in the Middle East.
The decisions soon to be made in the comfort of the residences by Donald Trump 6,600 miles away from Syria, Theresa May 3,149 miles away, Emmanuel Macron 2,570 miles away and Vladimir Putin 3,368 miles away will directly impact the Syrians currently living in fear in bombed out houses.
Donald Trump has said that 'nothing's off the table' when it comes to a US response to a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria - so what is on the table?
The Diplomatic Route could include sanctions on Syria and it's allies but UN is a busted flush all the time some countries hold a veto and use it to block any action against their 'friends'.
There could be a limited strike like last time when US cruise missiles hit the airport where the Syrian planes launched the last chemical attack but that was pointless as the airport was quickly repaired and back in use within weeks.
A wider strike to target the Syrian Air Force seems the likely option but the Russian military is embedded with Syria's and several senior Russian figures have warned of a Russian response to a US attack, repeating a warning by the head of the military that missiles would be shot down and their launch sites targeted if they threatened the lives of Russians in Syria.
The coalition only seems to include the USA, France and the UK and the UK is hesitating in launching air strikes against Syrian targets as Theresa May is worried by the possible political fallout of taking military action without parliamentary approval especially in her already precarious position and MPs are not due to return from their Easter break until next Monday.
Apart from the complication of how Russia or Iran might respond if their own forces were hit by any allied strikes, the International chemical weapons watchdog, the OPCW, has announced that it is shortly to deploy a 'fact finding team' to Douma and an allied air strike taking place while UN inspectors are on the ground trying to establish the facts is not good with echoes of the Iraq Weapons inspectors being ignored while the military plans were firmed up.
Syria is already a basketcase filled with other nations military and terrorists fighting each other and any military action by the USA, France and UK is only going to heap even more death and destruction onto an already blood soaked nation from their tables safely thousands of miles away.


Falling on a bruise said...

How about not stoking up conflicts and then arming one side in the first place? Would that help?

Falling on a bruise said...

I assumed you meant President rather than King, but then you made a reference to 1776 and King George so you really did mean the Syrian King. Fox News reporting strikes again?
Yes, we took a small scale protest in Syria and stoked it up.