Sunday 11 October 2020

Clinton 2016 Trump Predictions

You didn't need to be a psychic to predict in 2016 that Donald Trump would be an awful President and he hasn't disapointed and it is widely expected that he will be sent skidding buttocks first out of the White House in November but we will never know if Hillary Clinton had won last time, how things would have played out but she did make some predictions of what was coming down the line from the first Orange President.  

She said Trump didn’t pay any income tax and she was only $750 out with reports showing he paid no tax at all in 11 out of the last 18 years.
She said the US’s reputation would plummet and a recent Pew Research Centre poll shows the reputation of the country dropped from 64% in 2016 to to 49% Worldwide now. Ouch, that gotta hurt.
She said Mexico won’t pay for Trump’s wall and so far the amount of Peso's sent to the US Treasury for the 260 miles of wall that has been built is nil. It has cost the American taxpayers £11bn though.
She said racial tensions will rise and no argument there but a survey by Pew Research Centre said 73% Black people, 69% Hispanics and 65% of Asian's agree.
She said LGBT rights would be stripped and opposition to the Equality Act, banning transgender service members from the military and making it harder for LGBT people seeking asylum in the US gives this one a tick.
She said he would hand tax cuts to billionaires and according to University of California at Berkeley, Donald Trump's $1.5tr tax cuts helped billionaires pay a lower rate than the working class for the first time in history.

What do you know, she was right afterall, who would have thought it??

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