Saturday 7 November 2020

Call Paris, Iran and WHO Mr. Biden

People say to me i must be happy that Joe Biden has won the American President and i always answer that i couldn't give a monkey's, i'm British so it doesn't bother me one jot who is now running the show in America.
What i am happy about is on a purely human level, someone as awful and repulsive as Donald Trump is no longer in charge so as long as Joe undoes much of Trump's legacy by returning to the Paris Accord, rejoining the Iran Deal and grovelling back to the World Health Organisation, he can do what he likes in America.
His biggest job after phoning Paris, is to deal with the Coronavirus currently ravaging his nation due to Donald Trump's inept and woeful response to the virus which has currently killed over 235,000 American's and such is the virus so ingrained in the USA, that isn't going to be a quick job.
I don't know much about Joe Biden, he seems a decent guy but he may turn out to be a warmongering buffoon like George W Bush but his greatest asset is that he isn't Donald Trump and that is probably what people were voting for because he doesn't seem the most inspiring person.
As Barack Obama received awards when he gained the keys to the White House front door based solely on the fact that he was not George W Bush, i expect much is the same for Biden so as long as he rejoins the three key things that Trump foolishly left and doesn't start any wars based on dodgy ideals, then good luck to him and i wish him well as much as i would wish well anyone who has become leader of their nation.
As for Trump, his leaving power is hopefully a start of the right wing collapse around the World because as history shows us, a right wing Government never ends well.

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