Sunday 17 October 2021

Stop Worrying, All Will Be Sorted At COP26

Boris Johnson has done us the honour of returning from his holiday and has repeated his claim that this Christmas will be better than last Christmas which he stopped so that boast is as trustful as...well...pretty much anything else he has ever said but we can squabble over the lack of HGV drivers, butchers and fruit pickers and the empty shelves in the shops and no petrol, books, paper, tennis balls, wine, bread, tuna, grapes, onions, chocolate digestives, turkeys, pet vaccines, coffee, light-bulbs, pigs, blankets and pigs-in-blankets because Michael Gove is on the case to 'save Christmas', although with that list it seems the one he is saving is the one in 1941 during rationing.
The reason Boris has palmed off the responsibility of 'Saving Christmas' to Michael Ho-Ho-Gove is because 1. He hates him, 2. He then won't get the blame when it all goes tits up and 3. He is far too busy saving the Planet.
A recent convert to human's not destroying the only Planet we have to live on, Boris has gone from calling it 'expensive, politically correct, bunny hugging' which 'is without scientific foundation' to saying at the UN that humanity 'must grow up to halt climate change' and then waffled on madly about Kermit the Frog for a bit but his gist was welcomed, even if it was decades too late.
I have been banging the 'STOP SCREWING UP THE PLANET YOU BELLENDS' drum since the 80's and it has been a long process to overcome the global warming denying cranks which means we have wasted a couple of decades in actually doing something and all it took was for everything to happen which the Scientists were saying would happen, the droughts, desertification, heatwaves, acidification of the sea, floods, extreme weather, sea rises, those type of things.  
So with the sea now lapping around their ankles and record breaking weather conditions continually breaking their own records, World Governments are absolutely determined to do something to stop it before it is goes too far so they are all coming to Scotland for COP26, so called because it is the 26th such meeting when they get together to absolutely do something to stop the Globe warming up even further.
As the COP1 in Berlin was in 1995 and the amount of the lethal CO2 gas into the atmosphere then was 350ppm while today, 25 years and 25 COP meetings later it sits at 413 ppm, the highest than at any point in at least the past 800,000 years, it hasn't been a raging success but we can only hope they do a bit more than promise to absolutely, definitely do something about it as soon as possible and then go back home and forget about it until COP27.       
Still, the Planet may be doomed because of the stupid people we have running it but at least we will get Christmas this year which is looking more like the kind of Christmas turkeys might actually have voted for.

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