Sunday 7 November 2021

It Really Shouldn't Be This Hard

I once pitched an idea of running solar panels down the middle of every one of the 262,300 miles of road here in the UK, they are just laying there outside in daylight from dusk to dawn and 262,300 miles of solar panels contributing into the electric grid would make a massive dent in the amount of electricity the nation would need to generate but the idea was dismissed as too expensive and this is the UK so the sun putting in an appearance is unreliable.
It is amazing that we have three powerful natural sources but yet we seem to be looking at nuclear as the way forward to reduce filling our atmosphere with dangerous gases which it will although someone seems to have overlooked the waste material which has a half life of hundred of thousands of years which will have to be buried somewhere leaving that ground uninhabitable.
When it comes to Solar power, we are bathed in a constant and permanent source of solar energy, it has been calculated that a total of 173,000 terawatts (trillions of watts) of solar energy strikes the Earth continuously which is more than 10,000 times the world's total energy use. And that energy is completely renewable until at least the Sun gives up and blinks out anyway.
Every continent has access to a vast desert and deserts make up a quarter of the planet, bathed in more sunshine than you could shake a solar panel at but just sit there empty so why isn't that space being used for building large scale solar panel farms there?
The Earth is covered 71% by oceans, and due to the Coriolis Effect, that's tens of thousands of miles of water with tides and waves which could be used for generating tidal power, The U.S. Department of Energy's Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology estimated that the annual energy potential of waves off the coasts of the United States is estimated to be as much as 2.64 trillion kilowatthours, or the equivalent of 66% of U.S. electricity generation so that is a lot of potential going to waste.
Vast tracts of Ocean are there with nothing but fish in it and the odd ship sailing through it so why not build some tidal power stations in it, and as for the danger to shipping even the captain of the Titanic couldn't miss a whacking great power station.
As for wind power, in 2020, the UK generated 75,610 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity from wind which the Office of National Statistics advises is enough to power 8.4 trillion LED light bulbs or 7.25 million homes a year and as anyone who has ever been the UK will tell you, we do have a lot of wind here as well as brightly lit LED light bulbs and 7,723 miles of coast.
I get the argument that wind turbines are ugly and i would be the first to complain to the council if i woke up tomorrow and found one had landed outside my kitchen window but plenty of that is empty and could be utilised with wind farms.
With the promises made at the COP 26 meeting, we are heading towards a rise of 1.8C which is still not enough so we have to keep thinking of new ways to generate the electricity we need but we have the free sources and we have the technology to more than meet our needs, we just need to have the will to do it.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

They wouldn’t mine all that stuff just to build them, it’s being mined anyway so put it to a good use.