Sunday 9 January 2022

Trump To Make America A Laughing Stock Again?

I really should remove myself from the Democrats email list especially as the amount they are asking me to donate has gone up from $7 to $10 although i do enjoy seeing that many other people from my state have already donated and i should join them, who knew that so many people in the State of Great Britain are throwing money towards the Joe Biden gang.   
The latest one wangs on about the real chance that Donald Trump may well be President again at some point and they really, really need my $10 to go towards making sure that doesn't happen but i am of the thinking that if America votes him back in after the bang up job he did last time he squeezed his morbidly obese body behind the Oval Office desk, it's their own fault.
Why anyone would want to vote for him is beyond me, surely there are not that many people without the required intellect to put their cross next to the name of the man who made America such a laughing stock again is there?
I know there are some low IQ right wingers who wouldn't vote Democrat if they were the last party on Earth but that doesn't mean they HAVE to vote for the man who admitted to sexual assaulting women, actively encouraged an insurrection which left people dead and whose response to the a Global Pandemic was to blame and withdraw American funding from the organization whose job it is to fight Global Pandemic's and advised ingesting a litre bottle of Harpic instead, just abstain from voting altogether.
If the Democrats can't find someone who can poll higher than an inept racist, incompetent moron and an all round awful human being then they should pack up and go home and if enough American's look at him and say 'y'know what, i'll, give him another go' then America deserves all it gets and that will be another long drop further down the drain as it violently implodes and the World moves on without it and no amount of $10 bills from people thankfully not American will sort that out.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

Yep, the rabidly right wing party here in the uk has made us second only behind you