Saturday 29 October 2022

Dislike Sunak For Being Tory, Not Because He Isn't White

Not sure where comedian Trevor Noah gets his information from that there has been a racist backlash in the UK following Rishi Sunak's appointment as PM because i have heard criticism of all sorts but none that the problem with him is that he is not a white Englishman.
UK politicians, including Sunak himself, have come out to say Noah is just plain wrong and even Piers Morgan has joined in to say there had not been any backlash against Sunak being of Indian descent and then went on to call Noah a 'race-baiting twerp' so i find myself uncomfortably on the same side of an argument as Piers Morgan for the second time (the first time was when he ranted against American batshit crazy gun laws).
I imagine there will be some people who immediately dislike Sunak for not being white enough for them but they will be on his own ideological side of the fence, a favourite saying of mine is that not all right wingers are racist but all the racists are on the right wing so any racist fire will come from his own side,
not those of us on the left because we don't care a jot what colour or what his heritage is, we immediately disliked him for just being a Tory. 

1 comment:

Lucyp said...

Disliking him for being a right winger is more than enough dislike for anyone