Thursday 20 October 2022

Downing Street Podium Makes Another Appearance

Well it wasn't the best of starts and then it got worse in the middle and lets not even talk about the end but Liz Truss is out but she leaves Office a record breaker.
With 44 Days in Downing Street, of the 56 Prime Ministers she is the shortest serving, beating George Canning's 119 days in office although he arguably had a better excuse as he died of tuberculosis.
Straight faced some MP's are asking for Boris Johnson to come back, if Johnson is the answer, it's a very silly question as that's the same Boris they removed two months ago after his multiple lying and sleaze scandals and a contender for the worst PM in history until Truss came along but the favourite is Rishi Sunak although he was rejected by the Conservative Members in favour of Truss (not white enough for them) and Penny Mourdant who was rejected by her own MP's in the last coronation so neither are a good fit.
As the Government are facing being decimated in a General Election, letting us pick our own leader is highly unlikely, as one MP brilliantly put it, going to the  country wouldn't just be Turkeys voting for Christmas, it would be them also basting themselves and turning the oven on.
Unfortunately, after the 44 days she was in charge, she has left a legacy of everyone being poorer but at least the guy who gets to haul the podium out into Downign Street is being kept busy.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

Funnily enough that’s exactly what I said this afternoon