Friday 28 October 2022

That Didn't Take Long

That line about Rishi Sunak bringing honesty and integrity aged very quickly, it was barely minutes after he said it that it was discovered that not only did Home Secretary Suella Braverman, lie about owning up to an accidental 'security breach' or rather only owned up to it once she had been confronted with the evidence but her nickname in Government is is Leaky Sue and she has been responsible for multiple breaches.
Rishi Sunak bought her back into Government six days after she resigned and is now facing some very awkward questions about if he knew she had a reputation for being as leaky as a colander with a hole in it before he re-handed her back her old job which includes dealing with highly confidential information.
As Braverman is on the unhinged right wing of the Conservative Party (dreams of sending immigrants to Rwanda and all that) and he needed those MP's to get him across the winning line in the leadership battle against Penny Mourdant, rumours of what Keir Starmer has called 'a grubby deal' are circulating.
MI5 have come out and said they had to remind her what stands as a security breach, you think maybe her skill-set resides elsewhere and she is not expected to last very long, some are saying we could have another Home Secretary in place by Monday morning.
Meanwhile, ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss is said to be 'enjoying spending time with her family' after her awful 44 day stint as Prime Minister, great for us because it means she isn't wrecking the economy with her right wing ideological nonsense but it's not so great for her family who are probably already asking her when she is going back to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rejoin the EU single market, scrap nuclear weapons, reintroduce the NHS national insurance 1.5%. By my back of an envelope calculations the £40 Bn black hole would be easily exceeded and it’s rainbows and lollipop’s all round.