Monday 21 August 2023

Right Wing Nightmares

It must be tough being a Right Winger, for one almost every report i have ever read has found them to be not that bright, have no sense of homour, are easily fooled and are negative and on top of all that they suffer more nightmares than those of us on the left.  
Dr Kelly Bulkeley, of the University of Santa Cruz, California, tells us that right-wingers are much more likely to dream of relatives being murdered, or unwanted babies being born, or going bald, or fighting with a bear in the bathroom than left-wingers who dream mostly of nice things.
I know what you are all thinking, serves them right as bad people should suffer bad dreams from their twisted subconscious but the Doc says nightmares keep us on our toes and alerting to the perceived threats in the waking world which could make the nightmare-plagued conservatives the realists while we lefties and our dreams of rainbows and cute teddy bears and not Grizzlies murdering us while we take a shower means we are living in a unrealistic bubble.  
Obviously wrong on that point Doc but it does show why the Tories and their other right wing nasties always campaign appealing to our fears and insecurities and offering themselves as saviours with more police and tougher penalties and i assumed it was because the people who vote for Right Wing parties are just morons but their seems to be some science behind it, but mostly because they are morons.

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