Friday 17 November 2023

Today Is...International Students' Day

The student life can be amazing, exciting, terrifying and thrilling and the aim is to prepare them for the world of work which stretches out in front of them like a blank canvas but as many adults will tell you this really is the best time of your life.
Once you leave education it is frowned upon to climb trees, drink slush puppies until you get brain freeze, fall off bicycles, eat Doritos until you are sick, run through the park sprinklers, hold burping competitions and seeing how many crisps you can fit in your mouth at one time so enjoy the time when you can still eat ice cream with your hands without being shunned.
All those lessons can be boring but at some point you will need to take an exam but there could be some help at hand from the Patron Saints so when you are sitting in a draughty hall with an exam paper on the desk in front of you, you could try praying to St. Thomas Aquinas who is the patron of scholars, so he’s obviously a good one to have a word with but St. Albert the Great is better if you are taking a scientific discipline as he is the patron of science students specifically.
You could do worse then seeking out St. Francis de Sales if you are an English scholar as his specialty is writing but computer students should have a go with St. Isidore of Seville, the patron Saint of technology, computers, and the Internet.
As students are notoriously bad at timekeeping Saint Vitus as the Saint for oversleeping should be on your list as should be the patron Saint of exams, Joseph of Cupertino but you could also just pay more attention in lessons, either way is good.

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