Thursday 29 February 2024

Today Is...Leap Day

It is also the day i complete my Post Everyday For A Year Challenge so that's me making room in my cupboard for a years supplies of Beanies Coffee but it was just my luck that the year had an extra day.
Due to the World inconveniently taking 365.242 days or or 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 56 seconds to go around the Sun it makes our calendars go on the fritz so we have to add an extra day to the year every 4 years and to most people today is the extra day but it isn't as simple as just tacking a 29th Day onto February.
If we didn’t account for this extra time, the seasons would begin to drift. This would be annoying if not devastating, because over a period of about 700 years our summers, which we’ve come to expect in June in the northern hemisphere, would begin to occur in December and who wants to eat turkey in their swimming trunks.
So by adding an extra day every four years, our calendar years stay correctly adjusted but hang on, by adding a leap day every four years, we actually make the calendar longer by over 44 minutes. Over time, these extra 44 minutes would also cause the seasons to drift in our calendar and its back to wearing our Bikini's at Christmas so for this reason, not every four years is a leap year. 
Complicatedly the rule is that if the year is divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400, leap year is skipped but all you need to know is that thanks to today, our seasons will always occur when we expect them to occur, oh and today isn't that extra day, that was on the 24th.
Yep, to make things even more convoluted, the day that is added to a leap year is 24th February. The extra 24th February means that the original 24th February becomes the 25th February and all the other days get pushed down a date until 29th February.

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