Wednesday 24 July 2024

Prosecutor V The Sex Offender

I always wondered why the Democrat Party didn't make more of Donald Trump being a sex offender because ring that bell loud enough and it is sure to put off people, or it should do because who wants to be
seen backing a sex offender and then along come Kamala Harris who said that in her career as a prosecutor she had taken on 'predators who abused women' and so she knew 'Donald Trump's type'.
The former prosecutor versus the convicted criminal and sex offender should be a no brainer but weirdly cheering for a vile man found legally responsible for a sexual assault by a jury hasn't put some people off despite him actually saying previously that he grabbed women by the pussy so being found guilty of exactly what he boasted of doing ended that ridiculous claim that it was just how men talk in locker rooms.
As for the orange buffoons childish name calling, 'Laughing Kamala Harris' isn't that much of an insult because i am hard pushed to think of a time i have ever seen Trump laugh, he does that rictus grin thing which look's as if he is trying to pass wind but  i don't recall him ever actually laughing.
Sure he hasn't got much to laugh about but , his fines so far have reached more than half a billion dollars and he still has more court cases to come but he did raise a huge laugh at the United Nations when he said in an address that he has achieved more in two years then almost any administration in the history of America, the whole World literally laughing at him while he stood there looking foolish.
So Kamala being a laugher isn't such a terrible leadership trait but hopefully she has started as she means to go on and will zero in on his many crimes and cases of fraud but mostly because no matter what he throws at her, and i fully expect to hear dog whistles about her gender and her race, whatever comes at her, HE is a convicted sex offender and  that is a far worse trait than laughing in anyone with a couple of working brain cells book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any examples of when I called things ‘free’?