Friday 5 July 2024

Remembering The Tories

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's give it up for the Conservative Party.
Over the last 14 years you have given us, well not much actually but in the time honoured tradition, here are the best bits.
Come with me to the 2012 Olympics where we see Chancellor George Osborne looking sheepish at the Paralympics as the whole stadium rose as one to loudly boo him when he stepped out to present a medal days after slashing disability benefits.
Who can forget the guffaws when it was revealed that during his time at Eton, David Cameron stuck his penis into a dead pigs mouth. Parents never saw Peppa the Pig in quite the same way afterwards but that was a sideshow compared to Cameron declaring a Brexit referendum to kill off any talk of leaving the EU once and for all, and then spectacularly losing it.
Step forward Theresa May at the 2017 Conservative Conference where she had a coughing fit, someone handed her a fake P45 and half the letters on the magnetic sign behind her fell off, luckily the O in 'Your Country' stayed in place.    
Boris began his time hiding in a fridge from Piers Morgan, swore blind that he wasn't at a lock-down party even when the official Downing Street photographer was taking snaps to show he definitely was and kept a straight face when he said he believed his advisor, Dominic Cummings, excuse that the only reason he had driven to Barnard Castle during lock-down was to test his eyesight.
Liz Truss versus the Lettuce was a fun time, obviously the lettuce the Daily Star had presented as which would last the longer won as Liz was pushed out after only 44 days but not before she held a mini-budget which tanked the economy and pushed inflation to 11%. Oh Liz you crazy minx.    
First Secretary of State Damian Green vehemently denied watching porn on his work computer but the police who analysed the computer said there was 'no doubt whatsoever that it was Mr Green' so we can only hope he had the decency to wipe the keyboard before anyone else used it but if he viewed mucky videos on purpose, when he was caught watching porn in the House of Commons, Neil Parish said he had accidentally come across it while looking for tractors and to be fair, who hasn't done that?  
Rishi has been a rich source of fun, he began by filming himself in his car which led to him being fined £100 by police for not wearing a seat-belt and who can forget the drenched man calling an election in a downpour, his wife's tax evasion while Chancellor which led to everyone saying the same thing when his election poster said 'You name it and Labour will tax it' and everyone screamed at once, 'Your Wife!'
Back to Boris Johnson, who made the law requiring ID to vote in elections and then got turned away from his polling station for guess what...not bringing ID and finally, Rishi leading his party to the heaviest defeat ever suffered by the Conservatives so thanks Tories, you were beyond awful so ladies and gentlemen, i give you the Conservative Party and lets pray they never get within a sniff of power ever again.


Anonymous said...

We can hope some of it will I’ll improve otherwise we are all knackered

Anonymous said...

I thought you meant in the UK under the new Government