Sunday 6 October 2024

UK Should Avoid Militarily Backing Israel

For some it fits their narrative to claim that the current Middle East Conflict began on October 7th 2023 when Hamas massacred over 1,000 Israeli's but it began long before that, some point to 1947 when the UN voted to adopt the Partition Plan for Palestine which saw it divided into Jewish and Arab states or 1948 when Israel captured 28% of Palestinian territory and over 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from their land on the establishment of the State of Israel and some look at 1967 when a further 300,000 Palestinians were expelled from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and over 400 Arab villages were destroyed.
Since then Israel has been quite rightly on the end of an amazing number of UN resolutions, 45, which is almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined and include scuppering peace talks at every turn, mopping up occupied Palestinian land with illegal settlements, killing innocent Palestinians, holding over 9,000 Palestinians in its prisons, destroying farms, bulldozing homes and businesses, using Palestinian children as human shields and building a monstrous wall deemed illegal by the international court of justice, oppression of its neighbours and turning Gaza into an outdoor prison.
In the past year Israel has been accused by the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice for genocide against the Palestinians whose death toll now stands at over 45,000 which is a conservative estimate with many more buried under the rubble of their homes.
In Britain, desire for a ceasefire remains high with 70% saying they think Israel should stop and call a ceasefire with more of the British public sympathising with the Palestinian side (30%) with 15% saying they sympathise more with the Israelis and 57% of Brits saying they would support the UK ending the sale of arms to Israel with 20% saying they should continue.
The Conflict has now expanded to Lebanon and Yemen and it is anticipated Iran will become embroiled after it attacked Israel and Israel’s Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, has declared that: 'The free world must unconditionally stand with Israel in its war against the axis of evil led by Iran and extremist Islam' for which i say no, we really shouldn't.
America has said they would defend Israel in any war against Iran and have been providing the weapons to continue the Gaza massacre while talking peace which puts them in the weird position of condemning Israeli murder of innocent Palestinians while actively providing them with the weapons to continue doing it but America has already had a bit of a blind spot for some reason when it comes to Israel, happy to turn a blind eye to the brutal military occupation and land grab going on for decades.
It has been obvious for decades that the Israeli endgame is for Palestinians to be pushed out of Gaza and the West Bank and then claim all of Palestine for themselves and they are taking the opportunity of the horrific actions of Hamas to expedite this and do exactly that in one large round of ethnic cleansing and genocide all wrapped into one.
To me if you are supporting the occupier in any scenario then you are backing entirely the wrong side but all sides have to be condemned for their appalling acts, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and Iran for aiding and abetting them attacking Israeli citizens and Israel for occupying and murdering Palestinians in their thousands for decades.
The British Government will obviously come under pressure to support Israel’s military campaign but they would have much to lose and nothing to gain by assisting Israel who stand accused of war crimes and genocide.
If Britain has any role to play, it would be best served supporting the growing calls for a ceasefire and the establishment of a viable two state solution but under no circumstances should Britain get involved and would be best served staying out of the carnage, less we be tainted by the US and Israeli criminality and violation of human rights.

1 comment:

Not really a blog said...

Michael Jordan didn't have to tell people he was the best. When he played the observation that he was the best undeniable.

using judgmental words, like murder, undo the facade that your opinion is based in fact and logic - journalism 101

and what you say is obvious, is not obvious. it shows you lack a foundational understanding of the geopolitics of the region. persian versus arab conflict and hatred is nearly as significant as the hatred of Jews.

for the record, there were two states in 1947. Egypt decided to eliminate Israel and lost Gaza...