Tuesday 13 October 2015

Socialism Prevailing

In the most Capitalist country in the World, the recent Pew Research paper must have come as quite a shock as it showed that voters under the age of 30 viewed Socialism (49%) more favourably than Capitalism (46%).
The facts seem to be borne out by the popularity of Bernie Sanders who describes himself as a Socialist and talks up his Socialist principles of fairness, cooperation and anti-poverty.
It was John Smith himself, the father of Capitalism, who warned that in his system: 'the new unemployed would either starve, or be driven to seek a subsistence either by begging or by perpetration perhaps of the greatest enormities and want, famine and mortality would immediately prevail'.
It appears that for many young people, modern American capitalism simply isn’t working as the effects of the downturn in 2008 continue today and they see the bank accounts of the top end continue to grow while it empties those at the bottom. 
The IMF and the World Bank are already talking up the next recession while we haven't even escaped the last one so to the majority this is the way Capitalism works, a rolling cycle of growth followed by a devastating collapse every decade.
The far left Jeremy Corben has been voted the leader of the opposition in the UK and Bernie Sanders is being taken very seriously now in America and it could be because the older generation is being depleted and the upcoming generation can see Capitalism for what it is, a corrupt and devastating system that benefits the few and continually dumps the many in the gutter.


Falling on a bruise said...

I don't know how Dukakis turned out but as he was not president I am guessing not well.

The under 30 generation is the video game console generation, hate to think how a childhood of grand theft auto has affected minds.

Falling on a bruise said...

Have you been sniffing your gun barrel again? An explanation of how Socialism involves slavery at all would be nice.