Sunday 29 September 2024

The Unknown Origins Of Covid

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an estimated 7,010,681 deaths globally which makes it the 5th worst pandemic in history after the Spanish Flu, the Plague of Justinian, the Black Death and HIV/AIDS and the UK Covid Inquiry recently published a report that found the UK Government was woefully unprepared and the consequences of the previous Governments under-funding of the NHS led to multiple failures.
What it is not set up to do is examine the origins of COVID and that is a debate which has never really been answered.
The scientific consensus seems to be that it originated in a live animal market in Wuhan, China although some point, with some plausibility, to a leak from a nearby laboratory that was studying similar viruses at the time.
A recent piece in a leading medical journal talked about the lab theory being 'fanciful' but one thing we know for certain is that through samples taken from in January 2020 from the market is that the SARS-CoV-2 was present there.
The question is how did it get there? Bats are known carriers of the disease and genetic analysis showed that the strain of this virus was 96% identical to that found in bats.
France’s Pasteur Institute found that the disease did not jump straight from bats to humans and they pointed the finger at Pangolins as the most likely intermediary animal as they are one of the most illegally traded mammal in the world and are one of a few animals which have the suitable bodily physiology to allow a virus to evolve the characteristics that enable it to latch on to human cells.
The WHO found no Pangolins on sale at the Wuhan Market inventory but they did state that as it is illegal to sell them and if it was responsible for a global pandemic, it is not surprising nobody would admit to it.
The 2002 outbreak of the original SARS coronavirus began in another Chinese live animal market selling civet cats and other animals so there is a precedent for these places spreading a Cornovirus but where it gets a bit murky is 12 miles away from the market in Wuhan is China’s leading Coronavirus research lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
To some is an an extraordinary coincidence that a laboratory researching a disease which later spread around the World was so close to ground zero although scientists stated they found no evidence they were working with the SARS-Cov-2 strain and no leaks of any virus's were found which spread amongst humans and scientists dismissed the notion that they were the origins of the virus.
With that said, it appears that despite everyone looking, nobody can say for certain where it began and how it spread to humans which is the most important matter as humans encroach further and further into animals domains and rub up against animals we wouldn't normally mix with, as England's Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty  stated: 'A future pandemic as big as Covid is inevitable'.


Not really a blog said...

what a coincidence. in this whole wide world the animal that got a virus was within a few miles of a virus laboratory in china... gosh... anybody that believes the virus just popped up naturally shouldn't criticize any for believing in God...

Anonymous said...

Popped up naturally?

Not really a blog said...

"The scientific consensus seems to be that it originated in a live animal market in Wuhan"

maybe you don't understand what the word "originated" means?

Falling on a bruise said...

As you are obviously unclear:

Oxford English Dictionary:
past tense: originated; past participle: originated
have a specified beginning. Create or initiate (something).

Similar: arise, have its origin, derive, begin, start, stem

Clear enough for you? Lucky for you i am always happy to help the lacking.