Saturday 28 September 2024

A Perfectly Innocent Post

We found some words in Scandinavia which raised a chuckle to English ears so you could be fined for farting (speeding) and if you had a great meal at a restaurant you really wouldn't want to kiss the Chef as that would be Puss the Kock but the English language has it's own words which sound quite rude when said aloud but actually have perfectly innocent meanings, there's a hardware store near me that advertises knobs, nuts, and knockers and a plastic surgery that could actually use the exact same words.
I used to live close to a factory that made barrels and anyone who visited was always impressed by the amount of massive bungholes inside, i sometimes saw the workers sitting on their bollards furiously masticating outside in their lunch break if the weather was nice and they always seem happy enough.
It's now a Carpet shop and the staff can be a bit grumpy though, their shop is next door to a Nursery and they are always moaning about the amount of Vagitus they have to put up with so it is understandable although most people now elsewhere when they want a shag.
Something i am glad we don't have here are Sauna's, there is only so much Gynecomastia anyone can stand and in Scandinavia they are sometimes mixed although it isn't for everyone and they have some strict rules around who can enter so they really examine you before you go in, no tittle is left unchecked. Unfortunately, all that sweating can lead to blocked pores and nobody want's an annoying arsecockle on their face.
They do play some very soothing violin music in them, although through sweaty ears it can sound like they are being played with their F Holes filled in which isn't very pleasant but i would recommend it and you can book online, or you can but they are usually very busy so you may have to deal with a throbber while you wait and i know that's frustrating and takes time so make sure dongle is topped up if you are outside the home or office because there is nothing more frustrating than your dongle failing when you need it.  

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