Monday 2 September 2024

Think Again Hate Mob

It is unlikely that the sort of people rioting against immigrants coming over to the UK will stop to think why they are coming to our country in the first place and to the the guy with three teeth holding a can of lager and could barely form a sentence who said they were coming here to steal our jobs, i don't reckon Dr Patel the surgeon at my local hospital is not doing something you would otherwise be doing if he hadn't had nabbed it first. Bloody hope not anyway.
The truth is not that long ago we were 'exporting' our unwanted people to various nations and the people there had no say in it, the Native American Indians and Aborigines in Australia were probably not that keen on it but it's amazing how compliant they could be one we have shot a few of them if they protested and most immigrants leave their homeland because they want to live better, or just carry on living.
It´s as simple as that and the Migration Observatory has some statistics on how much we benefit from them being here.
In total 6.8 million foreign-born people were employed in the UK, a fifth of the workforce and migrant men were more likely to be employed than UK-born men and less likely to claim unemployment benefits than unemployed people born in the UK and migrants are over-represented in the health care sector (19%), retail (11%), Education (9%) transport (6%) and storage, and information, communication and IT (8%) and workers born in Asia were more likely to be in high skilled occupations than the UK-born and immigrants paid in 10% more in taxes than they received in public services and benefits.
Now some may look at that and say aha, so they are taking our jobs then and yep, the cheeky buggers are coming over here to care for us when we are sick and old, work in our shops, educate our children and fix our computers while contributing to the nations coffers so do you still want them to all leave you brick throwing racist hate mob?

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