Sunday 29 September 2024

Himpathy For Trump

I pondered a while back what would possess people to still vote for Donald Trump who not only admitted to sexually assaulting women by grabbing them intimately but was found by a Court to be a sex offender and an Australian philosopher, Kate Manne, has coined it as 'himpathy' or the continued backing of a man who has been found to have acted inappropriately in cases of sexual assault, intimate partner violence and other misogynistic behavior.
Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing the writer E. Jean Carroll in 2023 but it was Carroll who faced abuse from online trolls, receiving death threats and was also driven from her home so what makes somebody more likely to feel himpathetic towards somebody facing serious accusations in the public eye?
Manne, a  human behaviour expert, has been researching the notion of himpathy to try and explain what makes some people more inclined to support perpetrators of sexual misconduct than the victims and what she found was that when people strongly value things like loyalty, respect for authority and purity, they’re more likely to feel sympathy toward the man accused of sexual misconduct and feel anger toward the women who made that allegation who they perceive as rocking the boat.
People who hold these moral values very strongly are more likely to see allegations as a threat to the stability and, as a result, they’re also less likely to believe a victim and seek punishment for the women who made the accusations and less likely to seek punishment for the men who have been accused.
Fortunately, she found that the vast majority of people in her studies 'were not himpathetic' and it’s just a small subset of people who react this way and unfortunately for America, they all seem to be Trump supporters.


Not really a blog said...

civil court. in a politically hostile district. based on "he said, she said"...

Not really a blog said...

Yeah, just trump supporters, and dozens of millions of democrats that supported/support bill clinton... aside from that you are correct - err, well, i guess that means you are full of bologna and have brown eyes...

Anonymous said...

Clinton, Trump, Weinstein… there are plenty.

Not really a blog said...

not to forget JFK, RFK, and LBJ...