Saturday 23 September 2017

Is Your Child Right Wing?

Do you think your teenager might be a right winger? Here are some warning signs: They struggle to read even the most basic literature, have no concern for their fellow man, they don't like to share and appear to be intellectually backwards.
If they refuse to recycle, question climate change or believe in the fairness of our Capitalist system then you should find a teacher or trained medical person immediately because i'm sorry to say, but you have a right winger on your hands.
Of course sometimes it isn't that easy, one of the traits of the right winger is that they are too unintelligent to even understand that their views are abhorrent so what can a parent do to stop the rot before it firms up and ends in the nightmare scenario of your child applying for a Conservative Party membership? 
Unfortunately you won't be able to tell by looking at your child's record collection because all ideologies love pop music and at first glance, music isn’t very right wing.
Even with a second, third and fourth glance it still isn't so where are the musicians and songs that highlight right wing ideals, a carrion call to music lovers for smaller Government, free markets and more wars against Muslim countries filled with oil?
Why no tunes putting the case for right wing luminaries such as Margaret Thatcher, Donald Trump or Hitler, i have yet to hear anyone sing a positive lyric about Adolf and NAZI's are very much in vogue with the right wing over in the States.
You can't swing a cat without hitting songs espousing left-wing ideals that oppose various current political regimes, reject war or call for equality to assorted oppressed groups but even with the thickest of rose-coloured glasses the right wing tune-smiths can't extract an acceptable amount of lyrics from their ideology to put together three minutes worth of song.
Our Pop music choices therefore are not an indicator of who is a right winger so it's back to looking for the dull, glazed over eyes and social awkwardness to distinguish them then.


Falling on a bruise said...

I forgot to add no sense of humour.

Falling on a bruise said...

I didn't say I had a sense of humour, I said you right wingers never. I also think my first warning sign as in the post has been proven.