Monday 25 September 2017

Would You Adam And Eve It

There was always been a clear dividing line between atheists and creationists but it seems that even those whose regular reading material includes Genesis have come to the conclusion that it's all nonsense.
A YouGov poll has found that 81% of religious folk in the UK accept Darwinism for the evolution of man and 84% reject the creation myth that God made the Earth in six days, had a bit of a snooze on the seventh and created Adam and Eve as the first humans.
Religion in the UK has been on the slide for decades but when the believers refuse to accept the fundamentals of their beliefs it does make you wonder what's the point.
The few remaining deluded creationists will continue to argue that the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve is how the human story but the Genesis story is lifted almost whole from the Persians Avesta which long before told the exact same story of how their God, Ormuzd, created the world and the first two humans with a man, Enkidu, created from the earth.
He lived amongst the animals in a garden of paradise until he is tempted by a woman, Shamhat. He accepts food from this woman and is forced to leave the place where he lives and encounters a snake which steals a plant of immortality from him.
Sounds familiar, like most of the Bible stories which are just retellings of tales from religions which were already established at the time in a fantastic piece of plagiarism.
Over the centuries as we became more knowledgeable of our surroundings, religious belief has been chipped away at but if only a paltry 16% of the churchy types believe the stuff the churches are spouting, why are we even bothering with it anymore?

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

Yep, it has very much gone from centuries of this is how it is and no question to actually, they are not to be taken literally as science exposed them. Massive climb-down.