Monday 11 December 2017

NASA Calling

Exciting times as the NASA have called a major press conference for Thursday following what they have called: 'a significant discovery' from the Keppler Telescope who's aim is to discover other planets that might be capable of supporting life.
The whisper is that either Pluto is to return to its status as a planet which it lost in 2006 or the discovery of a new exo-planet which could support life.
NASA are playing their cards very close to their chest and very little further information has been given about the announcement, but previous major conferences announced planets that could theoretically support life and what they described as the Holy Grail, an entire solar system 39.5 light-years away that could support life.
As finding a new home for humans is imperative as we wreck our only home and are forced to flee this polluted and rapidly warming ball of rock, this could turn out to be a significant discovery.


Falling on a bruise said...

It is almost certainly going to be an earth like planet somewhere but the chances of finding life, even single cell organisms is exciting because it is exactly how we started.

Falling on a bruise said...

Possible contact with beings from other planets isn't exciting? In 13 billion years other solar systems have been created and destroyed, whole civilizations may have come and gone or may still be out there in various states of evolution, some further along the evolutionary trail than us, some much further back. The things we could learn from a technologically advanced species and then there is the opportunity to scope another planet humans could live on. Plenty to be excited about.

Falling on a bruise said...

Don't forget to take a packed lunch