Thursday 21 December 2017

Naura, Micronesia and Palau Watching America's Back

Sometimes we have to hold our hands up and just admit that we were wrong which is what i am doing as i previously said that America was in complete isolation over Jerusalem but it turns out there are seven other nations in their corner.
Israel of course and joining them the powerhouses of Togo, Palau, Micronesia, Honduras, Guatemala, Marshall Islands and Nauru who saw their American funding disappearing and suddenly came over to the American cause.
After they were well and truly tonked by the rest of the World at the UN General Assembly, the Department of State tweeted their thanks 'to the countries that recognised our right to determine where we put our embassy' so thanks Togo, you may find a little something extra in your stocking this year.
As they stamped their little feet and threatened to tell on whoever voted against them at the General Assembly after the 14-1 defeat at the Security Council meeting on Tuesday, that's a long list of names that the incredibly grumpy looking Nikki Haley will be running to her boss with tonight including the UK who told Trump he can poke his embassy up his amply sized backside.
Throwing the toys out the pram and issuing bullying, childish threats obviously didn't work and the Trump led America's star dips even further but as they will always have Micronesia and Mauru watching their back, as long as they continue to shovel money at them that is, i'm sure they will be fine.


Falling on a bruise said...

Democracy not so good when it doesn't go your way is it.

Falling on a bruise said...

i see your president praising the UN today because it voted to put more sanctions on North Korea. As above, all is fine when it votes the way you want but sucks when it doesn't.