Friday 20 March 2020

Special Guest Blogger: William Harrison

When Lucy asked me to write a brief synopsis of my life i told her that i was only in the public eye for such a short time and that it was likely that nobody would remember me but i could write about my brilliant military victories over Native American tribes, but she said nope, just write about the stupid way you died.
It's true, it was stupid, after years of working hard to get the top job in the White House, when i finally got there, i died within 31 days.
Something else i worked hard at was making my wife Anna pregnant, ten children we had, and then there was the additional six children by Dilsia, an enslaved African-American woman i owned.
Many believed i was far too frail to serve in office and i was the oldest President ever at the time at 68 so when i took the oath of office outside on a cold and wet March day, i decided it would help my case and allay any fears that i was too frail to rule so i arrived on horseback rather than a closed carriage and didn't wear an overcoat or a hat and to ram the point home, i delivered the longest inaugural address in American history and 2 hours later i was standing in the cold, damp rain i could feel a bit of a sniffle coming on.
The sniffle turned into a cold which grew progressively worse over the next two days and ended up as pneumonia and even doctors attaching leeches to me didn't improve my condition and i sadly died.
Apart from sneezing and coughing a lot, i didn't have enough time to achieve anything as President except increasing the White House tissue quota but my death did being about the formality of the Vice President succeeding the Presidency on the death of the President and having someone on hand with a brolly at the inauguration ceremony.

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