Friday 27 March 2020

Trump Succeeds In Making America First

Not one to make the same mistake twice when he can make it four or five times, Donald Trump is not having a good crisis after first describing the Coronavirus as a hoax, refusing to use WHO test kits and relying on faulty ones, saying America would be back in business by Easter and then praising himself for doing a great job as his country tops the grim list of Coronavirus cases.
True to his word that he it was going to be America First, America now is and desperate for a distraction from his awful running of the crisis, he has returned to a familiar theme and started flinging muck at the Venezuelan leader, Nicolas Maduro.
Accusing him of 'narco-terrorism' with a claim that Maduro and over a dozen Venezuelan political and military leaders are plotting to flood the United States with cocaine, they have offered a $15 million reward for information leading to his arrest.
Maduro responded by pointing out that he has achieved record results in its battle against drug trafficking in the past 15 years and the great line that: 'Are the world’s terrorists, those who bomb towns, going to accuse us of terrorism'?
Wow, he got you there. 
So yes we moan about Boris Johnson's tepid and disastrously slow reaction in which he really hasn't covered himself in glory, at least we haven't got the inept Trump and his gang running the show here.

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