Saturday 11 June 2022

Go Away Foreigners...Then Come Back Please

The 52% of Brexit voters have always argued that they knew exactly what they were voting for in 2016 so they must be delighted at the massive queues at NHS hospitals due to staff shortages.
The majority of 1.35 million NHS staff in England are British but around 15% or 190,000 were not and quite rightly, they decided that living and working in a country which has said they should leave wasn't the best use of their skills and packed up and went elsewhere leaving all those Brexiters to wave them off and then admire that the Staff may be exhausted, but it fills their heart with pride that they are British people exhausted.
The Government, realising that forcing out non-Brits who did the jobs such as delivering petrol and picking our fruit and vegetables led to petrol not being delivered and food rotting in the fields decided that maybe we do need some foreign workers here afterall and have been quietly attempting to bring them back, quietly because they don't want to upset the people who voted for them to Get Brexit Done.
So after the NHS announcing they had a staff shortage of 110,192 staff following an exodus of foreign staff after Brexit which is leading to longer delays to a backlog which already sits at 6.1m, the Government have a plan to try and fill these positions, poaching trained staff from abroad.
How the other nations we are poaching them from feel about it is probably easy to guess, they pay for the training and then they bugger off abroad with their certificate and use the skills they have learnt on the people of other nations which is why the World Health Organization code of practice states that 'member states should discourage active recruitment of health professionals from developing countries' although that page must be missing from the Governments copy.  
Brexit seems to have become right, you all got to get out followed by sorry, but can most of you come back but keep it quiet because you know, the racists and little Englander's are our core vote, appreciate it.
Next week, how reducing the Civil Service by 90,000 personnel won't end in delays in getting your passport, tax refund or driving licence issued.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

The Conservative's hostile environment at work