Sunday 5 June 2022

Sums, Math's, Arithmetic Or Numeracy?

I was never very good at math's a school, i zoned out of so many lessons about triangles and fractions that half the time i was looking out the window and the other three quarters i was scribbling things about George Michael on the front of my math's book but the Government are considering making changes to make the subject less challenging by changing the name to numeracy.
According to someone in Government responsible for these things, the name mathematics is 'too academic and scary' and what teachers with patches on the elbows of their jackets should be teaching is 'real world math's' which apparently is math's we use in our everyday lives and never to my knowledge have i been stood in a shop, bank or anywhere desperately trying to remember what pi or calculus is so i have always assumed that all those lessons i missed, didn't really matter.
My view is as long as you have a working knowledge of the times tables, can divide, subtract and add, are able to find a percentage of something you will always get by and as most things have a calculator included, don't fret.
Of course if your career depends on math's then do fret, nobody wants a building or vehicle designed by somebody who said: 'Whatever, that's close enough' but otherwise, you can always get by with a basic knowledge of Sums, Math's, Arithmetic, Numeracy or whatever they call it, i would say getting a proper grip on English is more important, the amount of people who get there, their and they're wrong is embarrassing.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

quote 'if your career depends on math's then do fret' unquote