Friday 4 November 2022

Right Wing Females

It's hard to imagine an incompetent brain surgeon or rocket scientist, you would assume that in their fields only the cream would rise to the top but it seems that in the World of politics any old idiot can clamber to the top of the pile as we in the United Kingdom has discovered recently with those who said nobody could be a worse Prime Minister than Boris Johnson discovering that there is no bottom to the Conservative Party barrel when Liz Truss took over.
The Tories made a big thing of how the blundering Truss was the third Conservative female Prime Minster while the Labour Party have had only white males as their leader although they didn't seem quite so keen to play up her virtues when she knackered the British Economy within 44 days with her woeful mini-budget but then Margaret Thatcher was also awful as was Theresa May but there does seem to be a thing about right wing females in general which is that they seem to be more ridiculous right wing than the men.
There is a quote which goes whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good which could explain why when a right wing female gets into a position of power, they feel they must be twice as ruthless as right wing men and as right wing men are heartless and cruel at the best of times, it would explain the inane policies from the likes of Thatcher who privatised anything which wasn't nailed down and May with her policy of creating a hostile environment for immigrants and Priti Patel who tried to set up such a harsh immigration policy that she said would have excluded her and her parents from coming to the UK from Uganda and Lizz Truss whose dreadful right wing economic plan sent the British pound immediately plunging.
Now we have the comically bad Suella Braverman who is talking about an invasion of immigrants coming to our shores and said she goes to sleep dreaming of sending immigrants on a one way flight to Rwanda.
You would assume that women, without the toxic testosterone swilling around inside them, would be a bit more compassionate and have a bit more sympathy and concern for there fellow humans but that is in short supply on the right side of the political fence anyway, so to show an even more lack of sympathy or compassion from the Fallopian tube owning right wingers, must mean one of two things.
A they are either trying to be twice as awfully right wing to prove they are just as incompetent as the right wing men or B, the right wing ideology just attracts more morons and dumb idiots in the first place and when you look at the right wing crowd all over, i think the latter is probably true. 

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