Friday 18 November 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Greek God Achilles

When you are the son of a king and a sea goddess, unkillable and prophesied to be stronger than either Zeus or Poseidon, it would be expected to be a bit up yourself but it wasn't that i was arrogant, i was just better at everything than everyone else.
Greece was a time of Gods and demi gods taking each other out and the Fates had prophesied that i would be killed at Troy so my mother trained me to be a fearless warrior and sent me to the Chiron School For Heroes and in order to make me immortal, she dipped me in the waters of the River Styx, thereby making my whole body invulnerable, except for the heel by which she had held me which would become a pretty important mistake later.
With a sword and shield made by the blacksmith to the gods himself, Hephaestus, i poo-pooed the Fates and led an army into battle against Troy and was cutting a swathe through the Roman army, arrows zinging off my unpenetrable skin but when i heard that Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae whose side i was fighting on gave away my wife as part of a peace deal, i laid down my sword and refused to fight anymore, deciding to see out the rest of the war sulking in a tent.
There was then a scuffle and my good friend Patroclus was killed by Hector, the eldest son of the Trojan king, so i picked up my sword and Hector soon found it being forcibly shoved through his throat and his body dragged behind my chariot around the tomb of Patroclus and then thrown onto a rubbish heap.
Back to the mowing down of Trojans by the wheel-barrowful, i helped the army raide some towns on the outskirts of Troy and took a young girl called Chryseis prisoner who just happened to be the daughter of a priest of Apollo who warned that as such, Apollo was on his side and would strike down the Greek forces with disease if we didn't release her.
Obviously we never and although Apollo had 'God of Plagues’ on his CV and disease and pestilence did strike the Greek forces, i was busy being challenged by Hector's little brother Paris who was ticked that his brother ended up with a sword shaped hole in his neck and his dead body dumped on a rubbish tip.
Now as an almost unkillable demi-God armed with a weapon made by the gods, i quite fancied my chances against a mere mortal armed with a puny bow and arrow even if he did have Apollo in his corner but it is said that pride comes before a fall but the before in my case was the twang of a bow string followed by a sharp pain in my heel, the heel my mother forgot to make invulnerable.
I should have been a legend but as it turned out, what let me down was a leg end.

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