Saturday 23 September 2023

Crisis 13 Years In The Making

Liz Truss is widely made the scapegoat for the massive nosedive Britain's fortunes have taken and whilst it is true her 49 days in power were a disaster which cost the British economy £49 billion, the truth is that it has been 13 years in the making due to Conservative Party mismanagement, incompetence, cost cutting  and outright nastiness.  
The school concrete debacle is just the latest in a long line of Conservative austerity cuts coming home to roost, the plan to fix 200 schools a year cut to 100 and then halved again which led to the boast by Rishi Sunak that they are determined to fix 50 schools a year, a quarter of the original figure but it is just one example of Conservative party gaslighting.
From the very start in 2010, the first act was to introduce austerity measures in response to the 2008 financial crisis and Government Departments were shrunk by 40% which led to under-resourced services at every level while the amounts forwarded to local Councils were also slashed to half as well as disability payments which led to George Osborne as the Chancellor responsible being loudly booed while presenting a medal at the 20212 Paralympics.
Cuts to the NHS resulted in hospitals and clinics closing and waiting lists were growing long before the pandemic which gave them a handy thing to point towards while finding was at 1% rather than the traditional 4% needed and since 2010 NHS Staff have seen a 35% decrease in their wages, a downsizing which stretched across all the staff at the Government departments.  
Brexit was the ultimate disaster and resulted in GDP shrinking by 4% meaning less revenue to the Treasury and as we no longer were within the EU, the Government withdrew all immigration agreements so immigrants having to resort to paying traffickers whose business boomed with small boats crossing the Channel reaching record levels and the Home Office staff cuts resulted in asylum claims taking over 12 months to process.    
The Pandemic exposed Boris Johnson and his Government for the crooks and liars they were as a spaffed £37 billion up a wall and Cabinets ministers and their friends filled their boots with taxpayers money while ignoring their own rules.
Councils are now going into bankruptcy as they are no longer able to balance their books with the reduced central Government money, schools are literally crumbling, the NHS is at breaking point and strikes are affecting everyone at every department so whether it is austerity, the rolling back of the state or  reduced services, it is difficult to see where the Tories can claim to have really delivered because the golden rule is are the Government leaving the nation in a better state than they found it and it is almost impossible to find any section where they can point to as a success except in the implication of their right wing ideology which has been a disaster on every level .

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

Never mentioned taxes, that's your obsession. This was about how the Conservatives have been running things down from the get-go which is why we find ourselves in such a state now.

If the Labour Party are just as bad they will get the same treatment from me, i'm not blinded by ideology and if Starmer or Labour turns out to be duds then i will let them know just as i did when Tony Blair was there.