Monday 4 September 2023

Hmmmm...Not Sure About This

I don't know how much confidence i have in surveys which reveal how the little things give away your personality but then i sleep with both hands under the pillow so that means i'm suspicious so they got that right i guess so let's see what else we can glean about other people by the little things they do from the way we roll our toilet paper roll to the way we walk.
First thing is you put on your shoes in the morning, if its comfortable shoes you clad your feet in such as trainers, flats or deck shoes then you are an agreeable personalty whereas those who preferred wearing uncomfortable shoes such as stilettos or wedges or brogues you are a calm person but if your footwear of choice is a boot then you are aggressive and clingy.
So you got the shoes on and you pop into the toilet before you leave the flat but before you do anything, how's your toilet roll hanging? Overhand and you are the dominant type, underhand and you are more submissive while if you are in someone else's toilet and change it from one way to the other than you are a control freak.
Next is that walk to work but that is sending out signals as you stride along the pavement because walk quickly and you are charismatic and fun with good social skills while walk slow and you are very much a more thoughtful people person.
You arrive at work and your first appointment arrives and holds out a hand to shake but hang on, the way you shake another person’s hand reveals a lot about you, shake it firmly and your emotionally positive, confident, expressive, and extroverted, looser and you are showing as less confident, more shy, neurotic and more socially anxious.
Meeting done and you email your staff but before you send it glance through and if you see a lot of 'I', 'me' or 'mine then you are showing narcissistic traits and if you find yourself reading it back more than twice then you are conscientiousness and a bit obsessive.
Before you know it's lunchtime and that meeting with friends in town, turn up early and you are perceived as conscientious and agreeable but a bit neurotic and turn up late and you are considered just laid-back and never in a panic.
Time for that selfie before it's back to work but point the camera up and you are agreeable, from above tilting the camera down and your a tad narcissistic as you are also if you pull any other face than a smile.
Back at work and its time for that meeting and you drag out the whiteboard and start to write but write too large and the people at the back can read it but large letters means you are an attention seeker, write small and you are introverted, slant to the right and you're impulsive and friendly and slant to the left means your reserved. Write everything in block capitals and you repress your feelings and have a suspicious nature.
Day done you grab your bag and head home but is that bag in the crook of your arm, you are then interested in your social status but put it across your body then you are protective and not particular approachable while carrying it in your hand shows the world you are organised and assertive while hanging down behind you shows a carefree nature.
Finally it is time to crash for the night but the way you sleep reveals whether you are difficult to relate to and sensitive (fetal position), very sociable and trustworthy (on back with arms straight down by side), open, thoughtful but suspicious (both arms in front of body), impulsive and nervous and unable to take criticism (on stomach with arms around pillow) or friendly, considerate and helpful (on back with both arms around the pillow).
Sweet dreams from this agreeable, submissive, charismatic, laid back, carefree and impulsive pillow hugger who has never changed the way anybody's toilet roll hangs and write everything in block capitals which makes me suspicious twice so hmmmm...i'm not so sure about all this at all.  

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