Friday 19 April 2013

America's Mad Gun Laws Protected

Innocent people being slain left, right and centre because of lack of gun control in America and when the politicians decide to do something about it, they failed miserably.
The bill to increase background checks for gun sales failed to pass the Senate, defeated 54-46 so the 46 must be feeling pretty pleased with themselves, congratulations guys, the cherished second amendment protected because protecting the second amendment is what it was all about for the 46.
You would think so wouldn't you but the Guardian newspaper and Sunlight Foundation have looked at the figures for those 46 and discovered that all but three of the 46 senators who voted against gun control measures in Congress this week have received money from firearms lobbyists such as The National Rifle Association, Safari Club International, The Gun Owners of America, National Association for Gun Rights and The Madison Project.
You might be forgiven for calling it corruption, bribery or just plain buying political influence but the donors with the fistful of dollars have triumphed.
The saddest thing is after 20 kids and 6 adults got gunned down in a school, nothing changed whatsoever and the mad gun laws America has just carry on uninterrupted so if nothing get changed after that, it never will.
Another gun massacre coming to a town near you soon, courtesy of corrupt politicians, gun manufacturers and the idiots who put the second amendment above the right to not be blown away at a cinema, college or primary school.
Nice one.


Anonymous said...

for all other atrocities the left says it is the price of a free society. don't you dare watch my conversations or activities. don't stop pornography. don't stop me from having alcohol. loosen up those drug laws. pay for aborting my baby. pay for my obesity. and at every step there are people with special interests contributing money to both sides.

I suspect we only have one gun law that you think is mad.


Lucy said...

You don't mind your laws being set by the people with the deepest pockets? Is that how democracy works now, the laws depend upon who pays the lawmakers the most?

You have guns, that's a mad law.

Lucy said...

It's American spell check, it keeps putting red lines under words with a letter U in them.

We have it here also, i have moaned about it many times on this blog and elsewhere that the richest is buying influence. Democracy has many flaws, this is one of them.

Mad is not bringing in tougher background checks before being handed a deadly weapon which i thought was a bit of a weak law to want to bring in. There are many other ways you can restrict the amount of guns in society, Obama just isn't being cute enough and i don't really know why if he is serious about it. The time was directly after the Newtown shootings, the time span has just let the NRA and the like spread their poison.

Nog said...

Maybe you can take my AR-15 when all of the feral hogs making our fields look like World War I battlefields are dead.

Lucy said...

AR15? Annual tax return for societies carrying on a business of an investment trust??

I struggle enough with my own tax forms thanks!