Sunday 21 April 2013

Predicting Earthquakes

A strong earthquake measured at 7.1 that struck the southwestern Chinese province of Sichuan this weekend killed over 200 people, and injured over 11,500 Chinese television is reporting.
While nobody has managed to come up with a fool-proof way of predicting when and where an earthquake will occur, there are signs as i found out when writing about the HAARP conspiracy theory the other week. 
When the huge earthquake struck in Japan in 2011, the ionosphere was warmed for 3 days prior to the quake due to radon and other gases escaping which has the effect of electrifying the atmosphere directly above the fault.
There was similar ionospheric warming 10 days before the 8.8 Chile earthquake in 2010 which killed 550.
According to the 2004 book, Ionospheric Precursors to Earthquakes, this is a well known effect so why are we not able to spot when the atmosphere is being heated and make the connection that a earthquake may be on the way, especially if the area being heated is above an earthquake hotspot?
The HAARP program in Alaska is an Ionosphere Research Instrument and observes the variations of Alaska's ionosphere and there are similar ionosphere measuring programs in Norway, Russia, Peru, Ukraine and Tadzhikistan so why, if the changing ionosphere is a well known precursor to earthquakes, are countries in earthquake zones not building their own programs? 
Not being a scientist, i am sure i am missing something because looking for any heating in the atmosphere above fault lines just sounds too simple to act as a predictive tool.


Lucy said...

Not so much an evacuation as earthquakes can spread for miles, i was thinking more of warning them so they could at least get out the homes and into the open where they are less likely to have a building fall on them. As Berlosconi said, think of it as a camping holiday.

Anonymous said...

This is jet stream' precursor by the satellite. The last prediction information of major earthquake is M7.8 Iran earthquake on 2013/04/16. This M7.8 earthquake was predicted in advance on 2013/01/15 at CNN ireport. The epicenter deviation is about 60km, M was predicted >6.0 , but time delayed 71 days.

M7.8 Iran EQ(M7.8 2013/04/16 10:44:21 28.107N 62.053E 82.0 IRAN-PAKISTAN BORDER REGION)

the prediction information:

2013/01/14~2013/02/04 eastern Iran(28.0N61.3E)M>6.0 100%

Best regard

Hong-Chun Wu