Wednesday 10 April 2013

The (Hospital) Breakfast Club

Cast your mind back to Christmas and consider that amongst the bedpans and trolleys in various hospitals around the globe lay five important and former important people.
Like a modern Western film, there was the good (Hugo Chavez, Nelson Mandela), the bad (Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton) and the ugly (George Bush snr) but of the five ringing in the new year with a nurse beside them, there are now two who have had their bed sponges retired.
In March Hugo Chavez went from being a red to a very pale white and this week Margaret Thatcher went from composing a Capitalist nightmare to just gently decomposing which leaves the two Americans and the South African of The Breakfast Club (Hospital Chapter) still going.
While nobody should want to see anyone die, it is interesting to see that while thousands of distraught citizens crowded onto the street to mourn Hugo, thousands crowded onto the street to sing, open champagne and hold parties when news broke of Maggie's demise.  
Nelson Mandela has been in and out of hospital recently and George Bush snr is looking very frail but Hillary seems to be back in the pink but all three should look at the events of the other two and wonder, what sort of send off will i get when i go?
Mandela can expect to be eulogised about and his praises sung to the heavens and a few kind words will probably be said about Bush, he was neither bad enough to be hated or good enough to be loved outside of America much the same as Clinton.
It goes without saying that we should hope that it is a long time yet until we find out but the hospital breakfast club membership has almost halved already.


Lucy said...

and the bad and the ugly?

Lucy said...

Granted Mr Chavez was no oil painting and no denying that Mr Clinton was a bad boy but if you think i'm going to agree with you twice in the space of two posts then you've got another think comin' as Judas Priest never said.