Tuesday 11 June 2019

No Job Safe From Ai

As Artificial Intelligence continues to improve, more and more jobs are being replaced but there are some jobs that a machine will never be able to replace a human at, or so you would think.
The AI of today can do things that we never imagined it would be capable of so nobody can think that they won't be replaced by a machine at some point. 
Journalists should be safe as as it takes a human mind to effectively report important information in the form of coherent and well-structured articles for everyone to easily understand, or so we thought until The Washington Post deployed a story-writing bot called Heliograf that churn out news pieces.
Dubai has put into operation a robot serving as a part of the police force on the streets and has creatively named it 'Robocop' and has been used to identify criminals, flag vehicle plates and report unattended bags in public areas so that's law enforcement taken care of.
People who write AI software should be safe but then along comes Google who have designed an AI that could design its own AI, and the AI it created turned out to be better at a task than software made by the same AI researchers.
Poet's and artists shouldn't be looking too smug either because AI has been developed that have written prose that experts were not able to distinguish from human-made ones and have produced art with as much understanding of perception, depth, and shadows as the best artists.
We are heading into a brave new world where your a robot will help you cross the road to buy your newspaper written by machines and you will be hanging art in your living room painted by automation.
Nobody will read poetry written by robots but then hardly anybody read that written by humans so no real change there.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

The point was that Ai can now equal a human mind in creating coherent and well-structured articles for everyone to easily understand which has huge implications for employment.