Tuesday 11 June 2019

LGBT Lessons

A set of rosary beads and a Saint Christopher medallion to anyone who can guess who is behind the 12 week protest against LGBT lessons outside the school in Birmingham.
With catchy slogans such as 'Our kids, our choice and 'Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve',
they have demanded the resignation of the headmistress over the sex education lessons that informs children about LGBT equality because nobody is as intolerant as a person with a religious belief.
Organisers of the protests include the Oldham Interfaith Forum who have said: 'This is about morality. We have our own religious beliefs and they need to be respected' but the local MP has called it 'hate preaching' and has asked for an exclusion zone around the school to allow pupils to attend lessons without being disturbed by the protests which was granted today with a high court
I'm not sure what the parents are trying to protect their children from but they are not doing them any favours by showing that heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality are not equally valid.
By behaving like this, parents are teaching their children extreme prejudice and discrimination and that is what should be banned else they grow up to be as intolerant and as bigoted as their parents.


Falling on a bruise said...

Nope, i mean intolerant Churchy religious types.

Falling on a bruise said...

The religious types with banners protesting outside the school for 12 weeks, that imaginary data?

Falling on a bruise said...

Considering that this post was about this one incident ...

Falling on a bruise said...

As lame as your tactic about trying to argue about something unrelated to the post?

Falling on a bruise said...

The assertion that it was religious folk doing the protesting and teaching their children intolerance which was the whole point of the post? Not much wrong about that and not very bold considering it was the truth.

Falling on a bruise said...

But there was no leftists protesting, it was all thick and stupid god botherers.