Friday 14 June 2019

Sanctions Are The New War

America has the biggest military in the World but rather than use it in the way of previous Presidents, Trump has another weapon of choice, it's economy.
In order to fight international disputes without dropping bombs on people of another nation, sanctions is now the thing to be deployed against the people it doesn't like.
Sanctions have the benefits of causing misery to entire populations without firing a single shot while collapsing their economies then blaming the victim of aggression in places such as Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and Russia, aka the bad guys.
The only problem is you can’t use sanctions against your allies which is extremely inconvenient, or at least it was, until Trump simply renamed sanctions and started calling them tariffs instead and targeted his friends in Europe, Canada, Mexico and China.
Although avoiding the complication of having to explain why hospitals, wedding parties and schools have been blown to smithereens in error, sanctions do still result in resentment and changes nothing but when you have a five times bankrupt running things and someone who lost over a billion dollars in the 90's including losing money on a casino of all places, it is hardly a surprise.
Nations are imposing tariffs of their own on American and it’s farmers have already received a $12 billion bailout program and are in line to be handed an additional $15 billion as sales of their fruit and vegetables flop.
Ford, America’s second-largest car company, said that Trump’s tariffs cost the company $1 billion, and the company now expects to make massive layoffs with GM making a similar announcement.
While it is always better than hot wars, trade wars seem to be not as easy to win as Trump once boasted.


Falling on a bruise said...

On a sliding scale not as bad as war but doesn’t make for a peaceful world and not benefiting anyone obviously

Falling on a bruise said...

That genie is out the bottle, big countries want them for the status and smaller nations want them because they see them as a deterrent to being invaded. I’m surprised more nations haven’t got them but the number who are actively trying will increase soon.

Falling on a bruise said...

That was my answer, there is nothing you can do about nuclear weapons, it's too late, that bird has flown.

Falling on a bruise said...

True, and some of them are leaders of countries who use them as an excuse to have a war with them.