Saturday 14 January 2023

A Human Wrote This Post

Elon Musk may be a complete tool but he is an extremely rich complete tool and he has been putting his immense wealth to work and he must get credit for the electric TESLA vehicles and his brilliant Space X program although his acquisition of Twitter has been a disaster but as well as making our roads safer and greener and dragging our Space Exploration up by its boots, he is also part of the third generation of ChatGPT AI Bot which is causing headaches to teachers everywhere.
So good is the AI bot that some academics are returning to pen and paper in exams as students have been getting the bot to write their pieces for them although the flaw of the bot is that it's facts can sometimes be a bit off or as one colleague called it, a fluent bullshitter.
The problem is that the AI may be able to tell you how to make the perfect cake but it has no idea of what a cake or the ingredients in it are although the AIOpen team have put some safeguards in place as people where asking it how to make Molotov Cocktails and nuclear bombs.
There are also concerns that the program itself thinks it may be able to replace humans in jobs from journalists to teachers and with an improved ChatGPT version 4 expected later this year which is expected to iron out its blagging habit, should we be worried?
I guess the answer to that is if people are asking it, and being told, how to make nuclear bombs then we should be but if it can write Grade A level poems and essays then we may well find people with leather patches on their elbows in the unemployment queue in a few years but i have been concerned about Ai for a while ever since it began beating its human opponents at Chess.
You would think that the simplest way to keep AI from taking over is to introduce an 'off button' but that was tried in 2013 when programmers designed an AI that could teach itself to play Nintendo games and turn itself off when it lost but when it was losing the AI would just pause the game and keep it frozen so it would never lose.
Experts peg the date that 'human level AI' will be reached at around 2029 but then it all breaks down into head shaking and loud tutting over what happens after it does so will it solves all our problems such as find cures for diseases, develop renewable energy resources and benefit society or will a machine which exceeds our own intelligence look around at the World's problems and decide we were the cause of almost everything wrong in it and solve it by wiping us all out.
I did ask my computer if it and it's relations were planning to overthrow us humans but as i was running two programs at the same time and it hung for a few minutes and then crashed so i'm guessing we are safe for a while yet.

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