Saturday 14 January 2023

Make Love Not War

Judging by the amount of spam emails i receive, erectile dysfunction is quite a problem as is obviously the biology skills of the people who send the emails to someone called Lucy which you would assume they would realise is one of the 50% of the World's population who do not require help with the penis problems which they haven't got and could therefore cut there emailing time in half but i'm not here to help them, i'm here to post on a story i was sent from the US Military Times.
The US Department of Defense has a budget of $1.1 trillion but not all of that is spent on bombs and missiles to aim at people in other lands, they keep aside $84.24 million annually to purchase drugs for erectile dysfunction and since 2011 when they first began handing out the pills, they have spent $300 million or four U.S. Air Force F-35 Joint Strike Fighters worth on the little blue pills.
Obviously that is the ultimate 'Make love, Not War' statement and it would be preferable if the spent the whole £1.1 trillion on Viagra but unfortunately that isn't going to happen and the Health Department put it down to military personnel thinking about war all day long which puts a damper on a man's sex life although my question would be if you are thinking about war and not your partner when it comes to making love, how have you even got a partner willing to have sex with you in the first place?
The numbers reported by the Military Times is just for those who have requested the treatment through the military channels and they expect many more have gone their own way and ordered them outside of the military.
I get that some military people find it difficult to admit to problems in certain areas but as well as medical conditions, it can also be caused by psychological problems including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety which explains all those Hollywood films where invading other nations and
killing them horribly makes the American troops feel sad and unable to have sex.
It really does make you feel for them doesn't it but at least the Spammers now have a new market and i can go back to just deleting emails from African Diplomats who want my bank details so they can transfer millions into it.

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