Sunday 8 January 2023

English Not Maths

What with the country going downhill faster than a bathtub in Last of the Summer Wine, Rishi Sunak's New Year address had to be good but pretty much everything was too toxic to touch so out was anything that whiffed of the economy, taxation, health, transport, defence, Brexit, immigration, fuel or housing so he hit upon an idea that nobody could possibly hit him over the head with, extra Maths for pupils.
Now Mathematics and i have never had a very good relationship, i can't count the amount of times i failed Maths at school which has probably coloured my view that unless you are planning on becoming an engineer, architect, co-hosting Countdown or a Maths teacher, you can always get by with a basic knowledge of Maths.
Never, since leaving school have i ever had to use Calculus or Pythagoras or been forced to scramble around in the dusty part of my brain for what pi so as long as you have a working knowledge of the times tables, can divide, subtract and add and are able to find a percentage of something you will always get
by and anyway that Mobile Phone you always have about your person will have a handy calculator app so don't fret.
To my mind, if any of the core subjects are to be extended it would be English because being able to read and write properly are much more important and used in your everyday life.
Maths only crop up in certain circumstances but you spend all day reading or writing something no matter what you are doing and the standard of some people's grasp on English is amazingly bad, spelling mostly and not the tricky words like definitely, manoeuvre or unnecessary, but the standard words which you would expect to be spelt correct.
The use of commas and other punctuation can be spotty and there are some people who don't even know when to use a Capital letter and as for nouns, verbs and adjectives, you may as well be speaking in Klingon.
Obviously there is spellcheck which helps when writing documents, texts or emails but that doesn't help with reading, there are no squiggly red lines under things when you are trying to read instructions or follow guidance so while Maths is important, if anything, a decent grip of the basics of the English language is more so.

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