Sunday 29 January 2023

Ukrainian Tanks Not A Game Changer

Russia's army has over 3,000 battle tanks in its military so it is hard to understand how the decision by NATO powers to send the 200 tanks to Ukraine is being presented as a game-changer in the war, tipping the military balance towards Ukraine.
According to former American and British Generals, the same ones remember who led some of the most powerful nations to defeat against rag-tag armies in Iraq and Afghanistan, this tank force will blunt any Russian offensive and lead to Ukraine evicting Russian forces from Ukrainian territory.
To my mind all this will do is escalate the war and brings NATO deeper into the conflict as Russia targets the Wests tanks as soon as they are off the carriers,the Kremlin saying that they will burn on the battlefield which will lead to Zelensky urging even more be sent his way from NATO nations.
Now that he has some tanks, the Ukrainian President is urging fighter jets be sent next which NATO has considered a red line they will not cross but tanks was also once a red line and that has been stomped all over with this decision.
With the West becoming more involved in a proxy war, the use of Russian nuclear weapons becomes more likely as Russia and UKraine are now both in a war that neither can afford to lose and the chance of any peace talks fall further away and that is the only possible conclusion to the conflict.
I don't know what the answer is but the decision to send even more military equipment to the Ukrainian's is just an escalation of the horror of this war and brings the West even closer to conflict with a desperate, nuclear armed military superpower.


Falling on a bruise said...

6. Do it the UK and US way and be the one doing the invading.

Anonymous said...

They haven’t gone and changed the numbering system again and not told me have they? Damn cheek if they have.