Did nobody within his rapidly shrinking circle of friends think of taking him to one side and whisper to him 'Tony, everyone thinks you're a dick, stay indoors' because somebody should have.
It is hard to think of anyone except that American bloke Russell Brand labelled the 'retarded cowboy' who would generate such ill feeling if he turned up to sign copies of his book.
The suggestion was that Blair began his book signing tour in Ireland because they would be the most welcoming and unless the traditional Irish greeting is being pelted with shoes and eggs and crowds of people screaming war criminal at you, he got that fantastically wrong.
If Ireland was the best place to go, Blair's dry cleaner must have pound signs spinning in his eyes because he is going to have to hire some extra staff for when Blair comes back to the book stores this side of the Irish sea.
Hilariously, shoppers have been moving copies of Tony Blair's memoir to the Fantasy
sections of bookshops and although i haven't read it, or plan to read it, the bits i have seen being discussed on the television, the fantasy section is truly where it belongs.
On an interview on the BBC he said if he was still top banana, he would stop Iran militarily from gaining nuclear capability, regrets banning fox hunting but would do everything the same again in Iraq. He looked very uneasy when the host of the Irish TV programme ‘The Late Late Show’ spent the entire interview picking apart his argument for the Iraq War. Not as uncomfortable as he will feel in the fiery depths of hell where he is heading obviously but uncomfortable enough.
Tony, a word in your ear mate, you're a dick but don't let it put off your book signing tour.
The shoes shops and egg farmers are banking on you helping them survive the recession.
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