Friday 15 December 2023

Today Is...The Second Amendment Established

James Madison was the shortest American President at only 5'4" so he had to compensate somehow so what he did was insert the second amendment into the Constitution although it is always the second part quoted by American gun nuts, the bit about 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed' although the first part of that sentence is never heard, the part that states the right to bear arms belongs to 'a well regulated militia'.
From where i am sitting, admittedly safely thousands of miles away from the gun toting lunatics, the arms bearers are anything but well regulated because the vast majority of the mass killings that we see are perpetrated by guns that are legally owned and the militia as mentioned was at the time the US didn't have a standing army, which it does now therefore rendering the need for an irregular army composed of ordinary citizens obsolete.
Whenever the newsreader starts a story with 'There has been a mass shooting...' you just know the end of that sentence is going to be ' America' because like Mom's Apple Pie, words without a U in them and pick up trucks, shooting kids while they attend school is a purely American thing as is doing absolutely nothing about it ever happening again because to some the right to own a gun is much more important that your kids surviving their education.
To be fair after each mass shooting they do do something, they offer thoughts and prayers but dinky little Madison wasn't thinking of military grade weapons being used to shoot up schoolchildren back in his day, he was always very suspicious of the British invading again so insisted on the clause but the problem was that the British never invaded again and Americans just ignored the well regulated bit and went on collecting bigger and more dangerous weapons and with a lack of British soldiers to aim at, they began blowing big holes in each other instead.
As the right to bear arms was introduced in case us British invaded again, i think the only solution is for the British Government to put out a press release stating that we have no intention to invade in the foreseeable future and those yankee's can therefore make another amendment to that previous bat-shit crazy amendment to say put the guns down, the Brits ain't coming.


Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

why don't you spend more time and effort talking crap about all those little monarchs that ruled your puny, wet, brutal nation for 1,000 years? plenty to work with.

the US founders, including Madison, are the force that led to the fall of monarchies in the west, and to the rise of democracy, including in your ungrateful little nation - that just insists on having a king or queen anyway. you are welcome, even though you obviously don't appreciated it.

there were about 700 "mass shootings" in the US this year. terrible. we use to own guns without all these shootings (i lived here and remember), but then the left came along and started spreading their inherent unhappiness and gloom - giving people an excuse to go on a rampage. "oh poor me, life is unfair, they picked on me in school, my teacher was mean, Billy is mean, my mom didn't let me eat candy, Mary wouldn't have sex with me... oh, poor me... life is terrible, the main stream media and the left say so every day... i have an idea how to get even..."

also, of the 700 mass shootings this year, ALL BUT 6 WERE DRUG GANG SHOOT OUTS (yelling so Lucy can ignore the facts but can't say they weren't offered). When you come up with a way to stop the illegal drug trade in America, and the associated crime, I'll consider gun legislation that disarms the citizenry.

for the record, schools are gun free zones. only the government (police) are allowed to have guns just like you and the left like it (government lourding over the people). unfortunately criminals figured out they are the only ones with guns at schools... and they hope that one day, like the Brits, it will be extended to personal homes so they can murder, rape, and steal with less risk.

you seem uneducated on the topic. let me offer some edification. a military grade rifle has a full-auto feature. not one full-auto weapon has been used in a US mass shooting. NOT ONE. stop spewing your lies. and, military grade firearms are "light arms". they are entry level for the military. a typical military unit will have a much more lethal mortar, heavy auto, or small rocket capability. we citizens are limited to owning a subset of the far less lethal light arms.

stop with the stupid argument that the gun is the problem.

what was the war of 1812, if not a another invasion? or was that just a skirmish to the violent brits?

we aren't worried about the brits anymore lucy. the texas national guard could defeat the uk if we took back our nukes from you.

we have guns because we want them.
we have guns to shoot for fun.
we have guns to hunt.
we have guns to collect.
we have guns as family heirlooms.
we have guns for self-defense.
we have guns to form a militia if needed for national defense.
we have guns to stop our government from using force on us it they forget their place.

you brits are way down the line of reasons to have guns.


Anonymous said...

Gun nut logic, brilliantly loopy.

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

yes, the use of facts always destroys leftist thinking, so they attack the person instead of the problem...

that's when i know you don't have an argument that even you can defend...