Sunday, 24 November 2024

Great Ideas From The Keyboard Of Lucy: Population Realignment

While we was in Scandinavia a while back it struck me that Norway is 25% bigger than the UK in total but only has a population of just over 5 million compared to our 68 million which got me thinking, what if we had a bit of a global move around so that the inhabitants of the country with the largest population moved to the country with the largest area and the second-largest population would migrate to the second-largest country, and so on?
Apart from it being hell for the Atlas producers, the population realignment would be great business for removal firms and produce a few very weird new neighborhoods because, let's be honest, there are some countries you thank your lucky stars you are not next to.
So comparing the World Population list and the World Country size list, Russia would go to China and the Russians would trek over to Kazakhstan and as it is landlocked that's a massive saving on their navy.
The second largest nation, Canada would go to India but sorry India, you would still have USA as your neighbour to the south because they are the third biggest and also have the third largest population and interestingly other nations that would stay where they are include Yemen, Brazil and Ireland but they would all get new neighbours with Germany now next to Yemen, Brazil saying привіт to the Ukrainians and Ireland looking across to Tunisia in place of Great Britain across the Irish Sea.
Shifting themselves to the continent of South America we would have Ethiopia replacing Mexico and Jordan would take over Cuba who would now be on the other side of the continent in Ecuador.
Britain would become an African Nation going to the Sahara Desert and Niger which would play havoc with my pale skin but we would be surrounded by Mexico, Myanmar, Thailand and Greece who would also make the trip to Africa with us.
Going the other way out of Africa and into Europe would be Mali into what was formerly Norway, Niger into Finland and Senegal into Italy while Malaysia's neighbour in what was France would now be Australia who would take the spot where Spain used to be.
The Vietnamese would swap their tropical climate for that of snowy Greenland but the South Koreans could be thankful escaping their wacky neighbour's in the North as they go to South Africa but as luck would have it of all the potential new neighbours available, they get North Korea who will move from the Korean peninsula with them to the Botswana who South African share a border with.
The new Middle East would be Sweden in for Syria, Cameroon in Iraq, Turkey for Iran, Slovakia for Jordan and Tanzania for Egypt so that should make it a lot more peaceful because the country everyone would be crossing their fingers to avoid moving next to, Israel, are off to replace Greece so apologies to Lesotho and Qatar who take the nations to the North, Albania and Macedonia.
All seems very sensible so just let me order some factor 1 million sun cream and let's begin calling around removal firms.


Not really a blog said...

why would India be sorry for having the US on its border? being next to US means not needing a military because we will protect them (even adversaries like cuba don't need a military to protect themselves from us). we would also be their largest business partner. US has the best college-level education system in the world. US has the most innovation opportunities.

what a terrible neighbor to have...

Not really a blog said...

but brillinant. have you taken this to the un. they like stu..... errr... brilliant ideas

Anonymous said...

The epitome of a noisy neighbour.

Not really a blog said...

ha ha, your envy is steadily revealed

Anonymous said...

Brilliantly shows how delusional and out of touch you are if you believe people are envious of America, really quite sad in some ways if that’s what you think although I will hold my hands up to some envy of your music, not country and western obviously because that’s royally sucks.